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How to Get a Divorce Decree Without a Lawyer

Getting a divorce without a lawyer is called a Do It Yourself Divorce or a DIY Divorce. It can be one of the least stressful ways to get a divorce as long as you have the factors in place to make such a divorce decree successful.

Before you consider getting a DIY Divorce, you need to determine if your circumstances are good for such a divorce. Ask yourself these questions:

1. Are you and your soon to be ex-spouse in unison with the details of your marriage? For example, are you in agreement on who gets custody of the kids, who gets what property, and what the child support and alimony payments should be? One of the main reasons a couple hires an attorney for divorce proceedings is to fight through all these issues. However, if you’re in agreement with them, you can deal with these matters on your own.

2. Are you on the corresponding side of the debt you have accrued as well as your assets? These should all be clear and how they should be divided should be in agreement.

If the answer is “no” to any of these questions, you may not be a good candidate for a DIY Divorce. Although doing a DIY Divorce saves money, it is not appropriate if you and your spouse have many issues you can’t agree on or if you are not on the same page.

When you feel comfortable with these preliminary questions, you will need to research your state’s laws. The rules for a divorce in one state may be different than the rules for a divorce in another state. For you to accomplish a DIY Divorce, you must understand your state’s rules. You will also need to make sure you make the time to gather whatever documents needed. A divorce can be DIY, but you must make the time to gather all pertinent documents.

Even though you want to accomplish a DIY Divorce, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t hire one or two professionals to help you along the way. For example, you may need to seek the help of a professional counselor to help you with the emotions you’re dealing with during the divorce. Or, you may need to hire a tax attorney to help you resolve any tax issues that may come up.

Where can you file a DIY Divorce? Your county clerk’s office should have the necessary information and paperwork you need to accomplish this kind of divorce. Although, keep in mind that nobody at the clerk’s office is allowed to give you legal advice.

There are also stores on the web that can guide you in filing a DIY Divorce, but make sure such a site is legitimate. The fee for accomplishing a DIY Divorce will vary according to the state.

Although everyone wants to save money, keep in mind that obtaining a divorce, with all of your rights protected, is important. Hire a divorce attorney if getting a DIY Divorce is too risky for your situation.

The Secret To A Stress-Free Divorce

A divorce is not as simple as a picnic. As a matter of fact, many people say that their divorce was one of the most stressful experiences they have had. With that said, it is possible to reduce the amount of stress your divorce causes. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to have a smooth divorce.

Divorce without a lawyer is easy

Avoid Unnecessary Contact With Your Soon-To-Be-Ex

Indeed if you and your ex-spouse are ending your relationship on good terms, you should try to avoid unwanted contact with them. If you all want to end your marriage, it’s better for the two of you to have a clean break. Don’t waste all your time mutually; go out and meet new people instead.

You should only contact your ex when it’s about something important. Speak to your spouse about matters related to your divorce. If you have children or a pet together, you should talk about that as well. Otherwise, the two of you should avoid each other.

Speak To A Lawyer Early On

Even if you don’t plan on hiring a lawyer, you should talk to someone as soon as you start considering a divorce. An attorney-at-law in States like Oklahoma will be able to give you some extremely useful advice. Some lawyers are cheaper whereas others are expensive.

Sometimes, taking a few simple steps early on can make the process of filing a divorce a lot easier for you. For example, if you open your own bank account, you won’t have to worry about your former spouse withdrawing money from your account. Meet with a lawyer and listen to any advice that they give you.

Choose Your Battles

A lot of people have hostile feelings regarding their ex. If you feel this way, you need to try to keep your emotions in check. It’s smarter to pick and choose your battles.

Don’t feel like you have to fight for ownership of every possession that you and spouse shared together. Only fight for the things that matter to you. If you choose your battles wisely, you’ll be able to win when it matters the most.

If your ex-spouse tries to pick fights with you or get under your skin, you should ignore them. Remember, they want to get a reaction out of you. If you can stay calm, you’ll be the one that comes out on top.

Find Ways To Unwind

Your divorce can’t be the only thing that you focus your attention on. You need to find a way to channel your energy. Look for ways to kick back and unwind.

You may want to sign up for a gym membership. If you begin traveling to the gym, you’ll be able to get into better shape. When you’re ready to re-enter the dating pool, you’ll be looking better than ever!

Divorces don’t have to be a nightmare. While getting divorced may not be a walk in the park, there are a lot of ideas you can do to make things comfortable for yourself. Work to make your divorce a more positive experience. Remember, you can get through this!

Cheap Divorce is a Great Option

People have this misconception that a divorce has to be nasty. Many divorcing couples spend in excess of $200,000.00 on their divorce! When the billionaire Harold Hamm filed for divorce in Oklahoma, he had to cough up a $947 million dollar check! He didn’t know that cheap divorce options in Oklahoma exist where you can pay $149 for a cheap divorce! Of course he would have had to pay a fancy divorce lawyer like Craig L. Box to file for his divorce in Oklahoma County which due to the nature of his stature, would not be cheap. Unlike Mr Hamm, however, many people do not know that they can avoid an expensive court case by divorcing with a mediator in Oklahoma! A divorce mediator can help you settle out of court, rather than end up fighting for your life’s treasure like Mr. Hamm. Do not overlook the fact that if children are involved, they suffer the most from nasty divorce conflict.